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Yideeskáadi Nitsáhákees

Our Initiatives

Our Vision for the Navajo People

The People's Platform

Join the Movement for Change

The Youngest Navajo Nation President

Image by Richard Hedrick

We all have the responsibility to leave this Nation better than it was when we showed up. Let’s focus on the challenges ahead and the needs of our people, relatives, & the Navajo Nation.

- President Buu Nygren

Image by Stan Slade

Our Core Values

A Guide for the Nygren Administration

Economy Forward

No more turning away entrepreneurs: Our job is to give our small business owners every chance to succeed. That begins with a fundamental change in the way we do business on the Navajo Nation. We will eliminate costly and discouraging red-tape imposed by our current Navajo Nation policy, starting with business site leasing reform and digitizing the registration and tax process.

Infrastructure Investment

Smart infrastructure will create new opportunities for our homes and businesses to succeed. In the coming years, previously approved funding in electrical, water, and broadband infrastructure will need to be reexamined with leadership that has experience. That's where the Nygren Administration will make Navajo investment dollars go further.

Social Services

Veterans services, Missing & Murdered Diné/Indigenous Relatives, Women and Children's home support, elders support, and enhanced support for alcohol and substance abuse are all needed for us to move forward as a Nation. We each recognize the need, and the Nygren Administration will put these issues at the forefront of our social services programs.

Accountable Transperancy

With my experience at the local levels and with the Nation as a whole, the Nygren Administration will enact and enforce accountability and transparency policies across all parts of the Executive Branch as mandated by Title 2 of the Navajo Nation Code. This will involve a fundamental shift to secure, digitized processes that will result in greater efficiencies in delivering services to the Navajo People.

Image by Stephen Roth

Meet the First Family

President Buu Nygren & First Lady Jasmine Blackwater-Nygren

WhatsApp Image 2023-04-06 at 4.22_edited.png

I will not hesitate. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that our Navajo people have a chance, our people have an opportunity to make something of themselves. That's all they want.

- President Buu Nygren

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